Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 5. Monograph: The “Libro do desassossego” by F. Pessoa, challenging translators/editors (eBook)
Matèria: Literatura
Format: PDF
Pàgines: 182
ISSN: 2014-8534
Data d’edició: 2016
Formats disponibles:
. Preu 29,6 €
. Preu 5,16 €

Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 5. Monograph: The “Libro do desassossego” by F. Pessoa, challenging translators/editors (eBook)
Antonio Sáez Delgado (eds.)
Volume 5 of Abriu, the journal edited by Galician and Portuguese Studies at the University of Barcelona, opens with the monograph «The Livro do Desassossego by Fernando Pessoa, challenging translators/editors». This monograph reflects on the importance of those people often considered mere mediators –editors and translators–, but who in this case become (re)creators of a text in continual mutation, thereby updating the state of the question. The «Miscellany» section includes articles on feminist criticism in children’s and young adult’s literature, on the musical group Ataque Escampe, on the writer Uilcon Pereira and the Favela-Bairro. The «Reviews» section includes notes on Pessoa y España by A. Sáez, monographs on Brazilian literature by Regina Dalcastagnè and Antonio Maura, and an edition of Cunqueiro.
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