Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 4. Monograph: Crevices Exposed: Blind Spots in Galician Textuality (eBook)
Matèria: Literatura
Format: PDF
Pàgines: 172
ISSN: 2014-8534
Data d’edició: 2015
Formats disponibles:
. Preu 29,6 €
. Preu 5,16 €

Abriu: estudos de textualidade do Brasil, Galicia e Portugal, 4. Monograph: Crevices Exposed: Blind Spots in Galician Textuality (eBook)
Olga Castro & María Liñeira (eds.)
The fourth issue of Abriu, the journal edited by Estudis Gallecs i Portuguesos, Universitat de Barcelona (Galician and Portuguese Studies, University of Barcelona), includes the monograph “Crevices Exposed: Blind Spots in Galician Textuality”, edited by Olga Castro and María Liñeira. It explores the textual and symbolic nooks and crannies found in the work of Manuel Rivas, Xela Arias, Suso de Toro, and Ricard Salvat, and a case study of Luis Pimentel and the problematization of linguistic criterion. “Miscellany” collects works on Hélder Faife, Marcelo Mirisola, and Cabral de Melo Neto. “Reviews” analyses studies on Lispector, Saramago, and contemporary Galician identity, as well as Brazilian poetry and Verísimo’s translations. It is published simultaneously in print and as an e-book. Further information: http://revistes.ub.edu/Abriu.
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