Homage to Ramon Margalef. Or why there is such pleasure in studying nature
Matèria: Biologia
Format: 18 x 25 cm
Pàgines: 442
ISBN: 978-84-475-0019-2
Data d’edició: 1992
Formats disponibles:
. Preu 30,34 €
Homage to Ramon Margalef. Or why there is such pleasure in studying nature
Departament d'Ecologia
When a scientific journal like "Oecologia Aquatica" reaches its tenth issue, it is perhaps not an occasion for extraordinary celebration. However, if it turn out that this coincides with a series of unusual circunstances, then the perspective changes somewhat. Moreover, if the editors hasten to confess that this modest milestone of issue nª 10 was really taken as an excuse to pay tribute to Professor Ramon Margalef, who was the founder, the first director and the driving force behind the journal, we can be forgiven for waiting to celebrate.
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